Jac’s Journeys



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from our clients:

Great service, works over and above so you feel confident in your vacation!

By Jamie Perusini - St Albert

Julianne goes out of her way to know exactly what you’re looking for in trip and then makes it happen. She is very knowledgeable as has plenty of experience to draw upon.

By Laurie - Alberta | Trip To: Costa Rica

Julianne did an excellent job from start to finish. Great flights and accommodation. Was knowledgeable about the Orlando area and able to find the answers to our questions about fast passes.

By PK - Tofield Alberta | Trip To: Orlando

Julianne is an absolute gem and a pleasure to work with. She can take my vision and turn it into reality. We have travelled to Mexico and twice to Cuba with great success! I have been using her to create fun and exciting Yoga and Meditation Retreats for years and can't wait to plan the next one!

By YogaPath Wellness - Edmonton, AB | Trip To: Cuba

An absolute miracle worker! I have never had better service in the travel industry.

By Jennifer - Alberta

Julianne books all our family and group trips. She sits with us finds out what we are looking for and what we expect. Then we can trust she will gather up ideas give us more than one destination and the choice is always easy. We have never been disappointed with our service from Julianne. And that's why she will always be our choice for a travel agent.

By Kari - Tofield, Alberta

Julianne has been great to work with. She gives a very personalized service and goes out of her way to ensure your needs are met. In fact... she booked our vacation while she was away on vacation herself. She is very knowledgeable about many places to travel and was extremely versed in the current travel requirements concerning COVID. My family has used her twice now and both times she was able to get us upgraded rooms and seats on the plane for less than I could find online. Julianne has been able to provide cost saving tips for the area we went as well. She was always available to answer any questions and provides documents and recommendations for every part of the trip. Working with Julianne has been a totally different and superior experience than using a commercial travel agency in absolutely everyway. My only regret is that I didn't find her earlier. I will not travel anywhere without consulting with her.

By Sean - Edmonton, Alberta | Trip To: Playa del Carmen

Julianne has helped us out before, and she came through again. She is able to find flights much more cheaply than I can on my own, which has saved us lots of money. If I ever ask about anything she either knows the answer or works tirelessly to find it. I would absolutely recommend her services!

By David - Edmonton